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Conejo Valley Village

Where neighbors help neighbors stay Independent, Active and Connected

Event Registrants

This is a list of registrants for the displayed event
Title: All Volunteer Meeting
When: Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM

Name Type
Susan Armstrong Everyone
Barbara Balke Everyone
George Ball Everyone
Lois Barberio Everyone
Vickie Blackwood TO Everyone
Jacqueline Blade Everyone
Mark Blade Everyone
Arlene Boykin TO Everyone
Sue Byrne Everyone
William (Bill) Cobb Everyone
Kay Driscoll Everyone
Barbara Elman Everyone
Barbara Elman Everyone
Karen Everett Everyone
Corinne (Corky) Grimm Everyone
Corky Grimm Everyone
Keith Grossman Everyone
Mary Alice Gurney Everyone
Melinda Hines NP Everyone
Masayo Honjo Everyone
Barbara Jimerson Everyone
Angela Jones Everyone
Fabienne Logan Everyone
Anne Novik Everyone
William (Bill) Novik Everyone
Anh Palmer Everyone
Christy Quilico Everyone
Michael Radonic Everyone
Lauren Schwartz Everyone
Penny Smith Everyone
Penny Smith Everyone
Penny Smith Everyone
Penny Smith Everyone
Penny Smith Everyone
Karen Stevens Everyone
Percy (Danny) White Everyone
Beverly Wilson WLV Everyone
Send Payment to:
P.O. Box 3162

Westlake Village, CA 91359